As you move through gateways, rites of passage and transitions in life I hold you. Midwifing you through your life. Holding you as you remember, create and metamorphosise.

Welcome! Thank you for visiting.

Perhaps you are exploring birth support, birthing outside the system or guidelines, goddess work, nature connection or rewilding. Perhaps you are looking for a circle or celebrant. I am so excited that you landed here. My work is an expansive practice, I am committed to continually learning which brings me much joy.

My offerings are split out in to birth support (which is how I started my space holding journey and remains and important part of my work), one to one work to support various people (you do not need to be a parent or want to be a parent to work with me), and you will see my events and circles and celebrant work. If you want to talk about any of these offerings please do reach out, I love to connect with people.

I am a mother, midwife of life, priestess, birthkeeper, doula, celebrant and I am, most importantly, an imperfect human enjoying life on the Earth and all the experiences it brings. I hope you’ll come along and join me in exploring all aspects that we are gifted to experience. Life is better together, in community.

If you would like to talk through any of my offerings please get in touch.

Maybe there’s a sense of change coming, perhaps a birth, job change, cyclical change in your body or a need and want to connect to nature and yourself.

If you are looking for support in navigating cycles, of birth, life, nature, to start or continue your journey of radical remembering, welcome!

I’m excited for you to explore and journey.

Working with Jess is transformational.